Sunday, October 21, 2007

OT Challenge

I'm currently reading from start to end. I've tried this in the past, but for whatever reason, my progress usually dwindles by Numbers. I'm about halfway through Numbers now, and I have no intentions of derailing now.
What I'm coming to learn by reading the Old Testament so much more intensively is some of the context behind later passages. I realize the books of the OT are not arranged in chronological order, but having read about the construction of the tabernacle and the manner in which sacrifices were to be made, the terms "sin offering", "grain offering", "guilt offering", etc. make more sense later on.
What a beautiful story the Bible presents...and by God's grace I get to live it now! From the loving Creator to wrathful Judge, God's place in history is one that I respect and admire. How much more meaningful His Ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ, his Son, is to me now that I have read the price for the "smallest" sins. For instance, I read in Numbers today that a man broke the sabbath by gathering firewood. Others in his community brought him to Moses, the prophet leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and asked 'what do we do with him for breaking the Sabbath?'. Moses consulted with the Lord, and it was decided that the man must be taken outside of the camp and stoned. Sin is sin. God requires restitution. God loves us, though, and He sent us a savior.
I stand amazed. Nothing I try to do to repay this debt will ever be significant.
All I can do is praise, thank, and worship the One who is worthy. And His grace and love have the rest covered. Sweet.

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